Camberley Lodge No.5591

Barbecue 2024

2016 08 13 bbq01  2016 08 13 bbq02

2016 08 13 bbq03  2016 08 13 bbq04

2016 08 13 bbq05  


2024 Worshipful Master's Lunch

The first social occasion of the new Worshipful Master’s year was held on Sunday 2nd June.
An immensely successful lunch was held for members, friends and one child at The Cricketers on the Green, Pirbright, Surrey.
We were blessed with beautiful weather in lovely surroundings, great food and wonderful company. What could be better?
The two photographs show the happy party enjoying an excellent lunch.
Well, we did have a great time and to embellish the occasion raised the sum of £140 for “Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service”.
Further social events are planned, including a grand summer barbecue party and a Ladies’ Festival.

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Worshipful Master and Wardens 2024-2025

2018 04 Installation

In April 2024 W.Bro. A.D. (David) Matthews was installed as 87th Worshipful Master of Camberley Lodge, during which he commented that the lodge was in good heart as he was able to appoint light blue members in every progressive office from Junior Warden to Steward.
Sadly Senior Warden elect Bro. Peter Brierley was unable to attend the Installation ceremony as he was incapacitated by a serious eye problem.  He will be installed at a later meeting.
However, the new Worshipful Master announced that his year would contain a full programme of activities and that his charity for the year will be Alexander Devine Childrens' Hospice Service, looking after children with life limiting illnesses.  A particularly deserving cause.
All three degree ceremonies will be worked and we are especially fortunate to have at least one candidate for Initiation in the pipeline.
W.Bro. John Hawley retired from the office of Secretary, after  8 years, due to ill health.  He has done a great job in difficult circumstances.  That office was taken by W.Bro. Rick Comber.

Bro Peter Brierley - Senior Warden (left); W.Bro David Matthews - Worshipful Master (Centre); Bro Robert Taylor - Junior Warden (Right).

Keith Buist, 50 years in Freemasonry!

2018 04 Installation

In 2023 W.Bro. Keith Buist PPAGDC celebrated his 50th year in Freemasonry. Having been Initiated in Lodge Caledonian 195 in Scotland, he was presented with a commemorative certificate by his Mother Lodge. Similarly, the certificate was to be presented to him in Camberley Lodge. However, on the day of the presentation W.Bro. Keith, who had been suffering from ill health, broke his leg at home in an accident. Such a momentous occasion could not be allowed to pass, so Keith's son Bro. David Buist stepped in to receive the certificate on his father's behalf.

Bro. David Buist is shown in the photograph receiving the certificate from W.Bro. Chin Guan Hwang SGD Assistant Provincial Grand Master.

2023 River Cruise

2016 08 13 bbq02On Saturday 19th August 2023 a group of Camberley Lodge members and friends gathered together for a short river Cruise on the "Lucy Fisher" a replica of a Victorian Paddle Steamer. on the River Thames from Runnymede. After an unpromising start, the weather cleared to bright sunshine and we enjoyed a relaxing cruise on the river, accompanied by an interesting commentary.

2023 08 19 Cruise2The cruise was organised by Worshipful Master Rick Comber who was accompanied by his wife Abi. After the tranquil cruise, we gathered together back at Runnymede for a happy picnic on the riverside. This was followed by a quiz, with questions compiled by our Worshipful Master. The event was enjoyed by all, including the several children present. As well as being great fun, the event was held to raise funds for the Worshipful Master's Charity MAN-UP which helps men with depression, suicidal thoughts, and mental health issues, through a network of volunteers.

2016 08 13 bbq03Several more events are planned in a full year of activities. We look forward to an "Old English Night" for members and guests, to be followed by a "White Table meeting and a Quiz night. The year will come to a great climax with a Ladies Festival in February at Camberley Cricket Club. All in aid of the same deserving charity.

Barbecue 2023

  2016 08 13 bbq02

2016 08 13 bbq03  2016 08 13 bbq04

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