Cliff Murray - 50 years of Freemasonry

You have to be keen and dedicated in order to manage 50 years of Freemasonry.
W.Bro. Cliff Murray PPJGW an Honorary Member of Camberley Lodge and member of our daughter lodge Agincourt 7172, certainly proved that, on the 13th January 2016, when he was presented with his 50 year certificate by W.Bro. Trevor Rains APGM.
95 year old Cliff was Initiated into Agincourt Lodge on 13 Jan 1966, 50 years to the day prior to his presentation. However, only a few days before the presentation he had a serious operation in hospital. Returning from the hospital he suffered a nasty fall when getting out of the car. He was unconscious for some time and rushed back into hospital, where he initially spent 12 hours on a trolley in casualty.
After being scanned and patched up he was returned home, battered and bruised. Not surprisingly he was feeling unwell prior to the presentation, but was determined to attend and to “not let people down.” We asked Cliff whether he minded having his photograph taken with his injuries. “No” he said “that will show people how determined you have to be to reach 50 years in Freemasonry!” The ceremony was attended by many friends from Camberley Lodge, Beach Chapter where he is a member and Agincourt Preceptory of Knights Templar, where he is a Founder Member; all of which he attends regularly.