Visit to Scotland 11th-14th November 2009

Bro. Derek Grindlay, RWM of Lodge Barhill Twechar No. 1444.
Bro. Abdelkbir Abouleil Right Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 195 and
Bro. James Campbell Peddie, RWM of Lodge St. George No. 333.
The new Right Worshipful Master Bro. William Andrew McMahon was installed by Installing Masters Bro. James Fleming PM 360, Bro. Robert Gracey PM 360 and Bro. William Daniels PM 419.
The ceremony was also honoured by the visit of a Provincial party which included Bro. Donald J. Riddle, Substitute Provincial Grand Master, who was not allowed to leave the Harmony until he and members of his deputation had replied to the song "Will you no come back again?" by singing the refrain "Yes we will come back again!"
The visiting party were (from left to right)
W.Bro. Stephen Taylor
W.Bro. Keith Buist
W.Bro. Gerald Inglis
W.Bro. Alastair MacKenzie
Bro. Barry Strachan
W.Bro. David Matthews
They stayed at the Kincaid House Hotel, Milton of Campsie.
These photographs were taken at the first visit, to Lodge St Bryde No. 579 in Uddingston and show Bro. David Shaw, Right Worshipful Master of St Bryde Lodge No. 579, Bro. Frank Richmond, Right Worshipful Master of Eastmuir Lodge No. 1126 (the Lodge undertaking the degree work) and Bro. James L. Jack, Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire (Middle Ward). Eastmuir Lodge undertook the Third Degree Ceremony and raised the candidate.
One of the objectives of the visit was to establish a reciprocal fraternal relationship between Camberley Lodge No. 5591 and Lodge Caledonian St. John No. 195. This was certainly achieved and we hope that it will lead to further visits, including one by Lodge Caledonian, together with fellow lodges, to perform a demonstration ceremony during Camberley Lodge's 75th Anniversary celebrations in year 2011.